Sunday, April 22, 2012

Do You Believe In Hell?

Yesterday, I had the best conversation of my life with my christian friend who's name will remain anonymous. Somewhere in between this conversation, Hell was brought up. You would think such a general word would have a more intellectual term but it's "heaven and hell" like your parents always taught you. I'm knowledgeable on the basics about other religions but what I grew up learning about was Christianity (what the majority of the religious nuts believes in).  I decided to debunk this "religion". The quotation marks are because he claims it's not a religion but we're not going to go there today.

I digress, I searched images of Hell in the search engine and people, as in living human beings seem to have a great distinction of what it looks like. We all have this ideal image programmed into our minds that it looks like a bottomless pit with hot lava, corroded land, demons, and the devil with a pitch fork. Assuming Hell is even real, how would one know how that place looks? Is it on google maps? Can we visit for vacation? Is it Haiti? People don't even know. It could be a great place for all we know.

"the bible quotes that heaven and hell are separated by a gulf and they can see each other." says my friend. He also preached that some guy (i forgot who) reports from hell in the bible and never does it say he wants out. So do we actually even know if it's bad or good or our brain power can't comprehend it? You're in a flaming pit for eternal torment but it's cool, you chillin?

He also claims that the reason bad things are happening in the Earth is because the devil is the ruler right now. I ask, how does one get impeached from ruler of the Earth? Did God pull an Andrew Jackson? I'm not a good storyteller so I only remember bits and pieces but I believe he gave him earth because we were all fucking up. I'm not sure if that's true but any scenario wouldn't make a lick of sense. Supposedly, GOD is supposed to make a Madonna comeback and make Earth paradise again. ZzzZZzz. With that being said, that would mean earth was once upon a time proclaimed "paradise". Now when you think of paradise you think of LL Cool J with his shirt off by a waterfall right? That looks wonderful but that shit sounds erroneous.

Lets get into some facts here. Back when history wasn't recorded in fairy tales, and was factually recorded, Christianity wasn't always taught. World history proves humans believed in pleasing mythical gods by waging war and human sacrifice. Christianity wasn't brought up until 100's of years later. Now I ask because the first 3 commandments mentions if you don't suck the dick of GOD, it is sin and you will go to hell. Minus the sacrilegious assclowns who killed all of those people, but the housewives, the children, the laborers who lived righteous and had no clue of Christianity because there was no obtainable knowledge, did they go to hell? He replied yes with confidence and our conservation did a complete 180. So even in modern day, ALL of those other people including atheists, scientologists, mormons, muslims, will go to hell too? He tried to clean it up but c'mon, you're telling me everybody (including me) is to hell with a look of certitude.

He uses this analogy "It's like if you were on crack and me knowing that is bad, what do you think I'm going to say? I'm going to recommend that you stop doing it because it's bad" I thought it was funny how to compared crack to atheism. Here's my example of GOD.

Remember this arrogant prick Zerksis from 300? He reminds me of GOD. He offered Leonidas similar comfortable values as my friend said Jesus or GOD offers, but you must worship me and bow on your knees!!! You can't tell me that's not GOD in a nutshell.


I'm not carrying a torch for homosexuals but I am pro gay rights. There is no way there should be laws preventing gay couples to get married by state. It's despicable to see a presidential candidate having the testicular fortitude to stand at a podium and campaign anti remarks toward gay people. What does somebody sexual preference have to do with you getting jobs in America? You're running for President, with a trillion dollar deficit and we're this close to WWIII with Korea but you preach anti gay marriage?

That's one thing I hate about Christianity and religion and I ask him his thoughts on it. "Not into politics and I don't care about gays but I do think they should get married in another way" That's his long response shorten. What do you mean in another way? Like when blacks have to take a shit, they should use different toilets because you don't want the noncolored toliet tainted? Nobody seems to realize it's 2012 and segregation was 60 years. It's the same thing. Just because you're a "traditionalist" doesn't mean gays have to follow your order. If America stayed traditional, the Bill Of Rights would have never been written. Slavery would still be in full effect so don't give me that bullshit.

I'm not totally irreverent, I have the utmost respect for my white friend BUT I don't agree. He offered audiotapes and books even though I'm still on the fence, and I don't see myself converting into Christianity or any religion. Truthfully speaking, there are lots of religion in the world and what makes you so sure yours is the right one. What you believe in depends on the birth lottery. You could of been born in Iran and believed in Muhammad, not Christianity.

Think about what you're preaching kids. They're all frightened because you brainwashed them into believing they will go to hell if they do something wrong. "Free will" is what they preach and I agree with that advantage. I'm a free thinker, my mind is free and it gets depressing at times but it's better than being delusional. Secular people don't need quotes out of a fable to have morals and principles. I will not read the bible because it advocates prejudice, cruelty, superstition, and murder, but I will to debunk it from a knowledgeable perspective. Some so-called "christian" said I might not be smart enough to understand the passages in the bible. How christian-like.

Do I know if hell is real or not? No but neither do you. Based off science, there are too many dynamics in Christianity that are relied off faith and that's not vigorous enough for me.

Like my role model Bill Maher would say, "I'm preaching I don't know, not certainty" They're so sure of what will happen in the afterlife but nobody have the sightliest clue on what the fuck is going on currently on earth. I urge all doubters to be free thinks and come out of the closet about your beliefs. Some people just don't care how impossible our existence is. It's more enlightening if you do some research and talk about it more. At the end of the day, I make my own path and I'm taking the risk (not a risk) of being hell bound because I don't believe in it until it's factual. Do not be afraid of hell.

Thank you for reading.