Friday, March 16, 2012

Why I Think You're Lame

Been thinking about this for a while and hopefully this comes out perfectly clear. I am the coolest person on earth. Not talking nice to hang around cool, I'm talking jock with the varsity jacket cool. I'm talking Fonzie cool. Why?

Who the fuck are you to tell me I'm not? Who died and made you dictator of fucking coolville? I did my research (no I didn't) and found that thee origin of this bullshit social pattern, came from some Jesus freak church goer. We'll always find a way to separate ourselves if it's one thing or another.

I've been called a "lame" countless times throughout my life for various reasons. For example, sometimes I didn't go outside and hang out with the other kids who'd talk shit about me and beat me up because I was so scrawny. I felt unwanted 90% of the time when I hung out with them. I'd rather stay in the house and watch tv -- it just seemed like a better alternative. I can see from society's prospective how "lame" that is, but that was my prerogative and if I don't feel any lesser of myself, then your opinion is invalid.

This is why I know I'm cool. Cool to me is a state of mind; self criticism or evaluation containing self confidence and zen in your own perspective. Fuck Webster, the Urban dictionary, and whoever opinion states otherwise. Lame is the same way, just the total opposite of it. They are NOT labels. Fuck them. Nobody should have to feel lame. These labels that these moronic high school teenagers labeled you as are redundant. Fuck school. School is essentially a popularity contest which means absolutely nothing in the real world. It's up to you whether you let those hurdles affect your train of thought. Peer pressure is inevitable and that is caused by these dictating sheep who just followed the social pattern. Some of these unlucky bastards carry it out after school and be 25 still calling people lames and losers. It's a damn shame.

The Real Lames 

Since you fuckers want to put labels on people, here's why I don't envy you. If I were putting labels on people, here would be some examples of lames in my perspective. For one, drinking and smoking is the ultimate victimization. When did you start drinking and smoking? Probably when you were with your stupid fucking friends and they peer pressured your weak ass to just take a sip/hit. Unfortunately you did (which is ok we all do it) but you decided to keep doing to impress them. Now you have to hemorrhage money to support these bad habits. Overall, that was a bad decision and you're a dumb fucking lame. You ridicule future scientists and astronomers but you're working at a fast food joint, because you thought going to class was lame. It's LAAAAME to be in line for a rare overpriced shoe if your not selling it and making a profit. Don't ever say this "I bought this shoe for me, not to impress others" spare the fuck out of me. That shit never made sense and it never will. So you're telling me if you if you were the only person on earth, those shoes would be a need? Stop lying. You bought them damn shoes to impress your peers. That money can actually go to something you need like food in the house.

Women are the worst when it comes to that saying "I bought this for me..." yada yada yada. Shut the fuck up miss independent. You're a LAME as well. Getting your whole body tatted up, piercings, nails, clothes, etc etc. I mentioned this before in another post so excuse me for repeating myself but you're either lesbians or a self adsorbed hoe if you think you need that stuff. Men like the natural look. You're so brainwashed into being shallow and materialistic that you don't even recognize what really matters. You just want to look like one of those hoes on Basketball Wives and that's more than lame, it's pathetic.

Continue to make me feel less superior than you because I don't go out to parties, I don't throw money at the strip club, I don't stand in line for shoes, I barely watch sports, I don't have lots of sex with random women, yada yada yah. It only makes you like bad in my eyes because I think the total opposite. We are different for a reason. I'm not compromising my one life to be like you. The worst kind of person is a pretentious follower. Be yourself. Be an individual. I don't think we're here on this earth to be like the next person but that's just my opinion. Make your own footsteps because everything is not in divine despite with the preacher says. Stop labeling and ridiculing people without legitimate purpose. 

  Thanks, Management


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