Monday, March 19, 2012

Why 'WE' Have To Take Action For Trayvon Martin

In 'WE' I mean the so called "assholes" niggers, niggas, blacks, coloreds, african americans, have to kill the fucking bastard. Fuck the justice system, it's flawed. It sounds a little more like 60 years ago when a white male with a "respected background" can still get away with murdering a black male. I had other things to blog about today but when something like this is going on, awareness needs to raised -- plus this topic is more vital. I knew about this topic for a week but I never read on it until now.

Trayvon Martin (February 5, 1995 - February 26, 2012)

17 year old Trayvon Martin was murdered in cold blood by some caucasian 28 year old college student in Sanford, Florida. Here's the situation, Trayvon heads to the convenient store to buy snacks for his 15 year old brother wearing a black hoodie. He walks back to his father's home in a gated community and is confronted by some neighborhood watch volunteer (George Zimmerman). Unclear on what was said, George shoots his 9mm twice, one striking Trayvon in the chest causing his death. Investigators report, Trayvon had nothing in his pockets but an ice tea and skittles. This was all based on one word, suspicion. No arrests were made. He claimed self defense and I guess that's enough for the justice department.


George Zimmerman, 28 years old. Grown ass man. Outweighing him over 100lbs. You're telling me a 17 year old posed a threat to him? Before he confronted Trayvon, he called the police and excitedly told them "I got him, I got him!" As the police asked him to stay put, he disobeyed and said "these assholes always get away" then left and shot twice at the boy. I heard one of the 911 tapes by a witness. It sounds like George fired a warning shot first. Then all you hear is Trayvon screaming "help" for about a whole minute. Then you hear another shot and the screams stop.   

So basically before he killed him, he stood over this teenager with skittles in his pocket holding a handgun for about 60 seconds as he screamed for his life. What part of the neighborhood watch program is this? Lets call it what it is and just say he shot him because he's black.

Lets be honest, if Trayvon Martin was a white guy with stringy hair, it would be a different story. I could be a little more compassionate if he was dressed like a gang banger with tattoos and in the process of breaking into a home with a pistol in his hand but NO. He was just a BOY! I can't stress how much reading this made me angry and fed up. Why do we have to sign petitions to the police department to get an obvious hate crime slash murder to trial? George Zimmerman was right about one thing, "these asshole always get away". White people rarely like never get racially profiled and if a black man killed a white kid, there would be no probable cause. He would already be rotting in a box.

I am a believer of Martin Luther King Jr. Non violence is the way but marching rallying and all that hoopla doesn't mean shit compared to this corrupted system. There are only 13% of African Americans in America and in almost ever state, half of the prisoners in the penitentiaries are black! Some even over 70%. I'm not saying all those men are innocent I'm saying something is wrong with those statistics.

Let's not forget they killed Martin Luther King Jr. Don't forget about what happened with The Jena 6, Rodney King, and the most recent Troy Davis. Adding with the sensitivity of letting Casey Anthony go (a white woman who killed her child), they denied Troy's last appeal and killed him within the hour. With no evidence and witnesses who didn't know their shit from their oatmeal, how can you not say the justice system is not racially dictated?

The only action that will make me feel better is killing George Zimmerman. Put him on his knees, make him cry for help, then execute him. Somebody needs to be made an example out of. You can continue with the kumbaya shit but I'm not. If I lived in Florida, I would do it myself.

Don't listen to me. This is cleary out of anger but if you really want to help, call the Sanford police department and demand justice (407) 688-5070


  1. Fucking this !!!!!!! Here in australia too the justice system is flawed esp how the treat aboriginals .
