Friday, March 23, 2012

@GeraldoRivera's comments on Trayvon Martin's 'hoodie'

Before I say anything, watch this video

Let me say that I'm not really familiar with Geraldo Rivera. I have always knew who he was but never seen his shows, only the controversial interviews. This man is 68 years old talking about walking across the street if he sees a black or Latino american. How aren't you racist? He was born in 1943 where at the time segregation was still in full effect. I wont be surprised to see a white robe and a pointy hat in his closet.

This is the result of the Trayvon Martin story which I wrote about almost a week ago.

17 year old black kid murdered by a 28 year old white man in cold blood because we was wearing a 'hoodie' and it made him look suspicious. Mr. fucking Rivera says well maybe if he wasn't wearing the hoodie he would still be alive. Excuse me? Pardon me motherfucka? A hoodie? That's one of those most moronic ignorant racist statements I've heard in 2012. Yeah 2012, where people fail to realize the color of one's skin shouldn't matter anymore. Nor one's attire.

A hoodie is not what Rivera says it is. Most of America wears them so don't fucking single us out like that. He's essentially saying blacks and Latinos shouldn't wear hoodies. Oh, so a white man can? Thanks, that just proved how morally dumb he and Zimmerman is. We can't live in America with the 'superior' Caucasian race without getting stereotyped as troublemakers. Wearing a hoodie does not boost your street cred -- that's not what we wear it for anyway.

I'm black, I have a hoodie, I never robbed a 7-eleven. I never committed a felony or misdemeanor in my life but I have a hoodie. The logic doesn't make sense. No matter how much you oversimplify it, Trayvon's murder will never be justified. The fact that Geraldo is siding with the victim, just made his statements more than unnecessary and probably ruined whatever career he had left. 

Found this strange photo of Geraldo wearing a hoodie in while it was raining. If I'm not mistaken, Trayvon was killed, wearing a hoodie, in the rain. What a coincidence. Hey Mr. fucking Rivera, watch out for a white man with a 9mm because you have a sign on your back saying "shoot me, I'm guilty!". But then again, you're white and you can wear whatever you want right? We (meaning blacks or Latinos) on the other hand have to be apprehensive as we're shopping at Hollister because we don't want to get SHOT by one of you. 

Fucking idiot.



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