Monday, March 26, 2012


Loiter Squad


Odd Future's anticipated premature show Loiter Squad premiered on Adult Swim Sunday night. Like Robot Chicken and Aqua Teen Hunger Force, it's only 15 minutes. Unlike those shows, it wasn't even remotely funny. 

Loiter Squad could be the worst show I've ever seen. Tyler, The Creator, Jasper, Taco, and some unidentified negro stars in this catastrophe about absolutely nothing. It's like Jackass but with corny black people. Going into this pessimistic is the only way to go. The skits were poorly written without thought or humor. Seems like a lot of impromptu is the basis of it but I don't get it. What exactly are they doing? It's only 15 minutes and it couldn't keep my attention for more than 5.

If you Odd Future fans had high hopes and actually liked this show, I'll pray for you to your atheist God. I'm not a psychiatrist, but maybe you need a friend. Maybe all of the comradely makes you wish you could do meaning skits with your idiot friends. Or dance around naked in your underwear in public without an legitimate reason like your hopped up on acid. As a fan of Odd Future, I highly suggest that they cancel this show before it starts to intervene with their music.

MY RATING 0/10 **********


  1. You're a dip shit. Literally all your posts are idiotic and biased. Also, you shouldn't bash people who are reading your dumb ass shit. Fucking moron, lrn2blog noob.

  2. you were just being fair. It's a wack show that didn't work. It all fell flat for whatever reason.
    I thought Tyler had more up his sleeve. Thus far I've considered him pretty genius. It just seemed forced
    and not funny. I'll give it another chance but he kind of wasted his shot.

    1. Thank you. I 100% agree. He's actually one of my favorite artists I don't understand how it's a bias opinion.

  3. I agree. I watched 10 minutes and didn't even crack a smile. I actually liked the 1st, 2 seasons of Jackass so I'm not against this kind of "comedy". It just isn't funny, not even a little.

  4. Agreed! I wonder how he got the chance to do this show? Adult swim must really hoping to capture black audience

  5. They are attempting to capture a black audiance where theres nothign wrong with that at all the problem is theyre going about it the wrong way none of my black friends watch this or Black Dynamite they think its the most idiotic thing ever. So do i t seems to me that the only people who find this show funny is people under 15 Years old (kids in other words) even than i doubt most do. But w/e its all filth on tv any more anyways

  6. I agree the worst show to air thus far
